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- In a historic occasion for military equality, particularly in the United States (the modern drive, especially under U.S. President Barack Obama, for women to be able to serve in all positions- whether civil, non-combat, combat, or special forces- with men, provided they meet the current, standard admission criteria), two (out of 19) as-yet unnamed female U.S. Army soldiers complete and pass the elite Ranger School course, to wear the uniform's Ranger Tab. While certainly not all who complete that school will become U.S. Army Rangers (members of the 75th Ranger Regiment), which requires even more training and, like some other special forces, is not yet open to women, it is a grueling course- including airborne, parachuting, and swamp components- in its own right, and a necessary prerequisite for serving in that branch of the U.S. Army special forces. Graduation is on Friday, August 21. (AP, via MSN)
- Disasters and accidents
- Politics and elections