Adulthood (French: L'Âge adulte) is a Canadian comedy-drama web series, which premiered in 2017 on Ici TOU.TV. The series focuses on Alex, Tom and Lucille-Maude Noël, three young adult siblings whose lives undergo significant changes that send shock waves through their family dynamics, with each season centring on a personal crisis in one of their lives.
The first season centres on the aftermath of Alex (Mickaël Gouin) coming out as gay and breaking up with his fiancée Amélie (Mylène Mackay) after waking up from a brief coma following a football injury; the second season focuses on the aftermath of the accidental death of his fraternal twin brother Tom's (Guillaume Lambert) husband Bastien (Marc Beaupré); the third season unfolds with their younger sister Lucille-Maude (Sarah-Anne Parent) in a coma following an accident. Throughout the series, an ongoing storyline also focuses on the revelation that the Noëls also have a Black Canadian half sister named Shonda Diallo (Sharon James) whom they never knew, from a relationship their father Léonard (Richard Fréchette) had before marrying their mother.
The first season of the series was directed by François Jaros, while the second and third seasons were directed by Guillaume Lonergan.
The series won two Olivier Awards for Best Web Series, in 2017 and 2018.
In 2017, the series won the Jury Prize at the Are You Webfest in Belgium. It won two Prix Gémeaux at the 32nd Prix Gémeaux in 2017, for Best Web Series, Fiction and Best Actress in a Web Series (Mackay).
In 2018 the series won the award for Best Dramedy Series at the Vancouver Web Series Festival. It received eight nominations at the Los Angeles Web Series Festival, including for Best Comedy Series, Best Writing, Best Direction and acting nods for Lambert and Geneviève Boivin-Roussy, and a nomination for Best Short Form Series at the International Digital Emmy Awards.
In 2019 the series won an award for Best Digital Short-Form Drama Series at the C21 International Drama Awards.
- "L'âge adulte : une vraie série pour le web". Ici Radio-Canada Première, April 2, 2018.
- ^ Luc Boulanger, "Un prix international pour L’âge adulte". La Presse, December 6, 2019.
- ^ Manon Dumais, "«L’âge adulte»: Guillaume Lambert et le danger tranquille". Le Devoir, March 24, 2018.
- Sarah-Émilie Nault, "«L’âge adulte», la belle folie de Guillaume Lambert". Huffington Post Québec, May 28, 2019.
- Vicky Fragasso-Marquis, "L'affaire Rozon predominante au gala des Olivier". Canadian Press, December 11, 2017.
- Roxanne Ocampo, "Gala Les Olivier: une consecration pour François Bellefeuille". Canadian Press, December 9, 2018.
- "La websérie «L’âge adulte» remporte un prix dans un festival en Belgique". Le Devoir, December 27, 2017.
- "L'Âge Adulte sacrée meilleure websérie québécoise de l'année". RTBF, September 19, 2017.
- "« L’âge adulte » nommée Best Dramedy au Vancouver Web Fest 2018" Lien Multimédia, April 25, 2018.
- Richard Therrien, "Les honneurs pour la websérie L'âge adulte". La Presse, March 27, 2018.
- Richard Therrien, "«L'âge adulte» aux International Emmy Awards". Le Soleil, September 28, 2018.
External links
Categories:- 2017 web series debuts
- 2019 web series endings
- Canadian comedy-drama web series
- Canadian LGBTQ-related web series
- Ici Radio-Canada Télé original programming
- 2010s Canadian comedy-drama television series
- 2010s Canadian LGBTQ-related drama television series
- 2010s Canadian LGBTQ-related comedy television series