1. Overview: How the World Views the United States
Pew Research Center for the People and the Press
Excerpt from "What the World Thinks in 2002," Pew Global Attitudes Project, December 4, 2002.
2. There Is Widespread Anti-Americanism in Europe
Jean-François Revel
Excerpt from "Europe's Anti-American Obsession," The American Enterprise, December 2003.
3. Anti-Americanism Is Not Widespread in Europe
Eric Alterman
Excerpt from "USA Oui! Bush Non!," The Nation, vol. 276, February 10, 2003, p. 11.
4. Central and Eastern Europe Are Pro-American
Radek Sikorski
Excerpt from "East Is Best: America's Friends in Europe and What They Understand," National Review, April 7, 2003.
5. Arab Nations Hate the United States
Abdel Mahdi Abdallah
Excerpt from "Causes of Anti-Americanism in the Arab World: A Socio-Political Perspective," Middle East Review of International Affairs (MERIA), vol. 7, no. 4, December 2003.
6. Many South Koreans Dislike America
Seung-Hwan Kim
Excerpt from "Anti-Americanism in Korea," Washington Quarterly, vol. 26, Winter 2002/2003, pp. 109–22. Mirrored here: part one Archived 2006-06-30 at the Wayback Machine and two.
7. Anti-Americanism Is a Minority View
The Economist
Excerpt from "Anti-Americanism On the Rise," The Economist, vol. 366, January 4, 2003.
8. America's War on Terrorism Has Provoked International Resentment
Lutz Kleveman
Excerpt from "How America Makes Terrorists of Its Allies: Kudair Abbass was happy to see the US army keeping the peace in Iraq — until troops killed his brother for violating the curfew. Now, like so many in the region, he wants revenge," New Statesman, vol. 132, October 13, 2003.
9. There Is No Evidence That America's Response to Terrorism Has Provoked International Resentment
Gerard Alexander
Excerpt from "An Unbalanced Critique of Bush: What the International Relations Experts Get Wrong," Weekly Standard, November 3, 2003, p. 25-29.
10. Jealousy of U.S. Power Causes European Anti-Americanism
Joshua Muravchik
Excerpt from "The European Disease: Irrational Anti-Americanism Takes Roots Across the Atlantic," The American Enterprise, vol. 13, December 2002, pp. 24–28.
11. British Anti-Americanism Is Not Caused by jealousy
Mark Thomas
Excerpt from "Mark Thomas Fails To Envy America:Britain's anti-Americanism is blamed on jealousy. This must mean we want the highest obesity rate in the world and a leader who can't string two sentences together," New Statesman, vol. 131, July 22, 2002, p. 11.
12. Hollywood's Representation of the United States Causes Anti-Americanism
Michael Medved
Excerpt from "That's Entertainment? Hollywood's Contribution to Anti-Americanism Abroad," National Interest, Summer 2002, p. 5-15.
13. A Fear of Modernism Results in Anti-Americanism
Fouad Ajami
Excerpt from "The Falseness of Anti-Americanism," Foreign Policy, September/October 2003, p. 52.
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