I Am a Comedian is a 2022 Japanese documentary film directed by Fumiari Hyuga. The documentary focuses on the stand-up comedian Daisuke Muramoto's career trajectory, which had its leaps and bounds, portraying how his stand-up comedy performances were shunned by the general audience after having once gained a significant fanbase. In July 2023, the film had its premiere at Japan Cuts.
- "I am a comedian". Marché du Film. Retrieved 2024-12-31.
- Hadfield, James (2024-07-03). "'I Am a Comedian': A documentary following Daisuke Muramoto's rocky comedy journey". The Japan Times. Retrieved 2024-12-31.
- "I am a comedian". Marché du Film. Retrieved 2024-12-31.
- "I Am A Comedian | JAPAN CUTS 2023". Japan Society. Retrieved 2024-12-31.
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