Note: Mountains are sorted in alphabetical order, unless where it concerns ranges. The highest confirmed mountains in each country are indicated with 'HP', and those with the highest peak are indicated with 'HP', bearing in mind that in the UAE, the highest mountain and the mountain with the highest peak are different. Outcrops are indicated with 'OC', and outliers with 'OL', and anticlines with 'AC'. Volcanoes are indicated with 'V', volcanic craters with 'VC', lava fields with 'LF', and volcanic fields with 'VF'.
Other notes:
- Shared with the UAE
- Also regarded as being of the Western Hajar
- Also regarded as being of the Western Hajar
- Shared with the UAE
- Shared with the UAE
- Sensu lato, shared with Yemen
- Shared with Yemen
- Sensu lato
- Sensu lato
- Shared with Oman
- Shared with Oman
- Highest mountain in the UAE, but the peak is in Oman
- Due to the peak of Jebel Jais being in Oman, this mountain has the highest confirmed peak in the UAE
- Shared with Oman
- Shared with Oman
- Shared with Saudi Arabia
- Highest confirmed peak in the Arabian Peninsula